Category Archives: Biofilm

Curcumin Inhibits Oral Biofilm Growth

New research from Japan suggests curcumin might play a significant role in reducing the growth of oral pathogens due to its natural antibacterial properties. Results…

Common Amino Acid Inhibits Oral Biofilm

A common amino acid found naturally in foods breaks down dental plaque, which means it could potentially help millions of people avoid cavities and gum…

HIV Virus image

Periodontal Therapy May Benefit HIV Patients

New research from Case Western Reserve University may soon have physicians recommending periodontal therapy for patients with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The research, published…

Can Kissing Alter Your Microbiome?

As long as we have existed on this earth, humans have expressed their affection through kissing. It’s the way we show our connection and intimacy…

Oral Bacteria Become Therapy Resistant

Oral bacterial infection can become resistant to periodontal treatment if not addressed, according to a study in the journal Oral Diseases. The study found that…