Category Archives: Cardiovascular Disease

Can Oral Bacteria Give You a Brain Aneurysm?

Bacteria from the mouth might play a significant role in the development of a brain aneurysm, according to research published in Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. In…

Periodontitis Ups Risk for First Heart Attack

In what is possibly the largest study of its kind, researchers have found a significant connection between periodontal disease and first-time heart attack. Results were…

Periodontal Bacteria Invade the Heart

Periodontal bacteria invade the cardiovascular system to incite inflammation and atherosclerosis, according to recent research published in Circulation. The study examined the effect of polymicrobial…

Pathogen Ups Inflammation Marker 20%

Inflammation testing is one of the key steps to evaluating underlying systemic problems to help prevent and reduce the impact of inflammatory diseases. A team…